Learning the art and science of shit shooting one lesson at a time, tackling various subjects--often quite controversial, although always wildly entertaining. Shooting the shit, learning some shit, even exposing the shit for what it is. Eyes to the front of the classroom. Shit Shooting 101 is in session Mondays. Now let's improve our aim!
Past the bright red brick exterior into a white tile interior reflecting a desirous outside gleam before fading to the dim soul-deadening hallway reaches, we're led to rows of menacingly tall doorways all isolated by closed thick, heav…
Not so long ago, I was known as the Oxygen Guy. Everywhere I went on my job, I would hear, "Hey, it's the Oxygen Guy", "There's the Oxygen Guy". I would reply, "That's me, your breath of fresh air"; a corny retort, I confes…
The fleshed ones never seem to notice me until I cause them annoyance. Such a peculiar and useless emotion that seems to be—annoyance. Then again, aren't all emotions? What are those reactions of which they are programmed to recei…